Perry Seely Ministries /your input is valued

I am vitality interested in your comments to any post I make. These teachings are for you….for your personal Spiritual Growth. Any questions or comments will be respected and addressed in future posts.

You are invited to let me know what areas of the believer’s walk are most imprtant to you. What you want addressed is something I find valuable to know.

I believe that God hears our prayers. I invite you to pray for me and my family. I will pray for you and your family. I am here to be a help to you with God’s word and the ministry of reconciliation working through me.

As much as possible I want to connect with you in unity of the Spirit. In some way I desire for this blog to be a positive, constructive, part of your life….


Who is Perry Seely? What is he about?

As you are taking the time to read this post you should know the writer. I am a man sent by the Lord Jesus Christ to declare his message. That’s my thing “IN CHRIST”.

Before I received Jesus Christ as Lord I walked the walk of a traditional Indigenous Man. That is my “old testament” of my life, and now I follow Jesus with all my heart!
I was a “Sundancer” and Native activist.

“In Christ” for 40 years now as Pastor, Evangelist, Teacher, and author of “Living The Truth With God And Yourself”. I will teach you the good I’ve learned and warn of the bad!

I have come out from under “organized Christianity” into the freedom of Christ, my leader and Savior. My teaching will always center on your personal Spiritual growth in Christ.

My commitment to you is that I will always give my best to reveal the truth for living a victorious life! My promises to you is you will “OVERCOME” IN YOUR LIFE IF YOU FOLLOW JESUS CHRIST WITH ALL YOUR HEART!

Perry Seely Ministries 🌎


Faith is the language that God hears. It is what he is listening for in your prayers. It’s not the eloquence or where or how you pray….is there “FAITH” in God, “TRUST” in your heart when you ask him?

Jesus is always amazed when he hears faith filled words presented to him. He says “WHEN YOU PRAY….BELIEVE THAT YOU RECEIVE WHAT YOU ARE ASKING FOR AND YOU WILL HAVE IT!” It is that simple! King David said “I WOULD HAVE FAINTED HAD NOT I BELIEVED I WOULD SEE THE GOODNESS OF THE LORD IN THE LAND OF THE LIVING.”

You “BELIEVE TO SEE” in this walk of faith. Faith is the substance of what we hope for. It grabs ahold of what we don’t have in our possession yet. It is the evidence that it is comming to us before we actually have it.

Like I said in my post prior to this….you can grow your faith in God. “FAITH COMES BY HEARING THE WORD OF GOD”. By reading about the miracles of Jesus. When you hear of other people being healed by Jesus Christ, or receiving a miracle. What he does for one he will do for another! Reach out to him, put your trust in him, and believe to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!


Perry Seely Ministries

What he has accomplished on our behalf is powerful to change our lives for the better. Right now he can forgive, heal, restore, and do the impossible!
It is your faith that he works with to do the miraculous! The good news is that you can grow your faith with God. My teachings will help you do that. “WITH MAN IT IS IMPOSSIBLE, BUT WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE”!
God healed me of cancer last year and gave me a second chance in life! Whatever it is you “NEED” the Lord will do it! His mercy is great and he hears your cry. He will stand in the bough of the ship and say “PEACE, BE STILL”….and your personal storm will cease!
I am here to declare that the Lord is for you, on your side and you will make it just fine. Pour out your heart to him in prayer and trust him completely to bring it to pass. “ASK AND YOU WILL RECIEVE, SEEK, AND YOU WILL FIND, KNOCK, AND THE DOOR WILL BE OPENED FOR YOU ! ! !