The book of Genesis is the book of “BEGINNINGS ” as the book of Revelation is the book of “ENDINGS “. The first “SIN” plunged all mankind into seperation from God and a curse.

The first murder (Cain/Abel) started a history of murder over the face of the earth. Mary Magdalen was the first to see the risen
Christ. The 120 that waited for the promises of the Father were the first to receive the Holy Spirit after Jesus rose from the dead.

The Mayflower sailing ship and crew were much recognized as the first Europeans to have contect with the “NATIVE PEOPLE” of what has become America. They took as captives some Native People as slaves.

That was the “FIRST” injustice against the “NATIVE PEOPLES” of the new world. That started a precedent for the continued oppression of Indigenous people.

Jesus Christ is God’s answer to the first sin of mankind….Adam and Eve. He is also the answer to the “FIRST” sin of America…..the oppression and injustice of the Native and original people that God placed here.

This needs to be addressed so America can find her destiny as a nation of promise and sanctuary. So American Christianity can flow in her redemptive purpose and not be an
oppressive religion.

Reconciliation is the “REASON AND PURPOSE ” that Jesus was born, lived, died, and rose from the dead. We all as believers have the “MINISTRY OF RECONCILIATION “.

I want to ask a very important question……
“CAN THE AMERICAN CHURCH GET THINGS RIGHT WITH THE NATIVE PEOPLE IN THIS LAND? That means acknowledge and repent of the wrongs and atrocities committed. That means restoration of lands stolen. It means following Jesus Christ in making things right so he will be satisfied in it all.

Can you imagine if God is pleased with the way America responds to her “MINISTRY OF RECONCILIATION?” ” If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray… my face…..and turn from their wicked way…..then I will hear from heaven forgive their sins and heal their land.

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