I am writting this as I am watching the Jesus Revolution on TV. Makes me remember what Holy Spirit told me last year about California.
In the middle of a 5 or 6 year drought and a horrable plague of covid. He said he was going to pour out his Spirit and mercy on California’s People.
Like the abundance of rain and snow we got this year his Spirit is going to bringing salvation to millions. It is because he wants to show mercy and bring in his lost sheep.
One of the main characters in the movie Greg Laurie is the same Greg Laurie that led over 7,000 people to Christ a couple of months ago at Dodgers Stadium.
The outpouring at Azusa st and the Jesus movrment are the two greatest moves of God America has experienced. Keep your eye on what God does in California.
Pray for people to come to Jesus and be free in Christ to live the life they were ment to live.