My wife, Melinda and I have been feeding and caring for homeless cats for about 15 years now. We both feel it is a God thing that he has put in our hearts to do.
People just drop off their unwanted pets at the park. I guess they become to much trouble for their owners. One day they are the family pet and the next day, fending for themselves at the park. That is pretty cruel stuff for a little animal who means no harm.
These are not feral cats but domestic house cats that are homeless. We feed them and give them names and love. Other community people do what they can to ease the hardship for our furry friends.
Some people do not like the little cats and tear down their shelters made to keep them out of the rain and snow. Shame on you for being mean to God’s little creatures. God sees everything and judges the motives of all our hearts.
What darkness is in the heart of those who neglect and harm the cats in our communities. Let us as decent human beings turn the corner on this abuse!