I understand “safety in numbers” mentality. The herd mentality fits real nice with a lot of folks. You become a face in the crowd, and maybe you like it that way.

The mega church might be right for you, but are you there for the right reason? It has the look of success….does that make you a successful. It has the look of spiritual greatness…..does that make you spiritually great?

These examples and questions I put forth lead to one thing…..”SAMENESS “. Fitting into the group or conforming because you find it to hard or challenging to express the real you. That is why many churches are filled with the same race or ethnicity of people around the same age and social status.

It is totally liberating to express your differences from the crowd. If Father God wanted everybody to be the same he would have made all alike, the same. Look at the fish in the ocean. Do they all look alike? Swim the same way? All the same color? The same size?

I am a wiyot man. Are all Native People the same? Do we all live on reservations? Do we all have casinos? Are we all traditional? No two “INDIANS” are the same. No two believers are the same. Embrace your difference and you will be embracing greatness!

In the body of Christ….are all apostles? Prophets? Teachers? Do all have the gift of healing? Miracles? Are all preachers? Teachers? Helps? Administrators? One is good at one thing, and one is good at another.

The bottom line to what I am saying is……
“YOU ARE THE BEST YOU ON EARTH”. THAT IS YOUR “SUPERPOWER”……being “YOU”! Let Jesus Christ have the real you and not what the crowd wants you to be. You are authentic, original. Unique. You are not a cheap “KNOCK OFF”…..a “FAKE” imitation of the “MODEL” Christian.

BE THE MAN OR WOMAN GOD CALLED YOU TO BE…..”BE YOURSELF”! You are one “IN” a million, not one “OF” a million! And that is the way God wants it.

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